
I struggled remembering the virus name infecting the lot of us just a few days ago. 'Omnivirus covid' I googled. Well, the ohmycron got us good this time.    

"What day is it today?" my sister asked as we watched tv. It had us all wondering until I decided to check the calendar on my laptop. Friday. 21st. 2022 was supposed to be a good year. I told myself and my friends that 2022 would not start until I was home during New Years for everyone else. I avoided myself from anything that would make it register in my mind that it was 2022 already. I was home on 9th January. I declared our New Year to be soon. However, with the lockdown announced on 16, I postponed New Years to the next 24 hours. Just one day. 

With the surge in the cases of the infected, the lockdown was extended to the next 72 hours. That is okay. Just three more days. I can sleep it through. 

The 72 hours passed and there was no sign of the lockdown being lifted. 

Situation will be monitored till January 30 and hence, another extension was announced. Then I gave up. I stopped hoping for it to end. The dates announced after that did not register in my mind. I decided to prepare my mind for even if it lasted forever.

I am not sure how long it has been since we were in lockdown and I stopped counting. However, now I know that it is 'omicron'.

(Image source: https://weather.com/en-IN/india/coronavirus/news/2022-01-04-latest-omicron-updates-new-symptoms-and-booster-effectiveness)


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