Oriflame Milk and Honey Gold Amber Elegance Hand and Body Cream Review

Hi to whoever decided to read this blog. You must have been so bored that you took the time to visit here. Anyhow, let's talk about the main subject, the- (wait, I need to copy-paste. Come up with shorter product names, people!) Oriflame Milk and Honey Gold Amber Elegance Hand and Body Cream.

Let me start the review. Firstly, it is a hand and body cream, so it needs to- yep you guessed it!, it needs to do what every hand and body cream does, that is, (drumroll please) moisturize! 🎆 

I took the above two pictures before and after applying the cream and I don't remember which was for what anymore. 😗 Just assume. 

My hands did feel moisturized immediately after applying and it gets absorbed really fast too. Not quite sure it lasts on the hands because, WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY but it did last on my arms. 

The smell is divine. It smells- it's probably milk and honey. I don't know what to compare this smell to. Let me update this if I smell anything similar (Got to go sniffing around now). The smell does not last though or maybe I am getting used to the smell until my nose starts thinking this smell is a part of the oxygen. You need to keep reapplying it because if you don't, the smell fades away like your ex who said he/she will be with you forever. 

The product was quite affordable, given that I purchased it at approximately 45% off. It was Nu. 729 Nu. 399 when I purchased it.

I would talk about the ingredients but I am too dumb to do so. I think the ingredients are ...good?

Would you purchase this product? 
