Ama- I mean Ana Chador Wangmo

Hi to whoever decides to check this out. May god bless you with strawberries and ice creams. I have decided to write about an ama (motherly) figure, ana (sister) Chador Wangmo! 🎇🎆 

When you meet her for the first time, she gives you the impression that she hates you and the entire universe. Rest assured. She doesn't hate you, she despises you. 

"Ana, can I help you with washing the dishes?"

"Dencha phai? (Want a slap?)" 

If this dialogue was exchanged between two other people, it would almost seem like a fight but not with ana Chador. This is her expression of love. A kind of love a child falling and scarping his knees receives from his mother by being told, "Why stop at just scraping your knees? Scrape your whole body." 

If you got sick as her biological child, I can imagine her giving you a kekchi before she makes you your favorite dishes.

Ana is very fashionable as well, wearing the brightest of clothes during formal functions to blind any enemy who comes her way before her fists lands on their faces, and wearing ripped jeans and leather jackets during informal functions that no one would dare have their eyes meet her fiery gaze. You will always feel protected when she is with you.

Ana is said to be dating someone but I don't think anyone knows who. Maybe it is Prime Minister Narendra Modi since she seems excited about visiting India, or it is one of the Chinese Drama ketas that she spends so much time in her office downloading. No one really knows.

Above all, she will say your name wrong (like call you Kinga Pelden) but when you drink too much and fall asleep in her house, she will tuck you in and leave a huge bottle of water near you. She will clean up after you make a mess and still invite you home for a delicious meal. She will make you feel at home because she is home.

P.S. Ana, India gai tang phai namo?




  1. No doubt she is an angel with a shard of divine moles, falling off her left side of the face. The adjectives are quite simple and authentic. Nice Kinga! You found the warmest stove of Phuentsholing.

    1. Thank you so much for reading this, ata! Means a lot :)


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